
Polish Chamber of Training Companies.

Exquisitely nicely for us to inform you, thatThe Polish Economic Company - Plant of the Training and the economic consultancy llc.in legal validity of the resolution No. C/ 1 / 13 from 17 January 2013 was admitted into the portrait gallery of members of the Polish Chamber of Training Companies.

Poland the Chamber of Training Companies exists from 2005. He is sources of information and of opinion on the situation on the market training and changes in the regulations concerning this economic sector. He is integrating the circle of training companies around the common mission and purposes. She built long-lasting, partner relations with the most important ministries, their departments and self-government institutions. The chamber is a real representation of the circle. Regional attorneys are building local structures of the Chamber in 10 provinces and in several cases are taking an active part at works monitoring by marshall offices.


Date: 2013-03-08 | Page views: 1315