
New Route - innovative model of cooperation with enterprises in the field of professional and social activation of juvenile prisoners were financed by the European Social Fund.

POSTIS Association of Lublin with partners:

  • Arrest Centre in Lublin,
  • District Employment Office in Lublin,
  • The Polish Economic Company Plant of the training and the careers guidance LLC
in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Lublin realized from May 21, 2012 to May 21, 2015, an innovative project NEW Route new innovative model of cooperation with enterprises in the field of professional and social activation of juvenile prisoners were financed by the European Social Fund.
Patron of the project was taken by the Minister of Justice, the Archbishop Stanislaw Budzik, Metropolitan, and Marshal of Lublin Lublin. The project develops an innovative two-year-old model for dealing with young prisoners in the use of an unknown in Poland, the French method of rehabilitation, Mon. Threshold (Seuil), which was created by Bernard Ollivier.
The new model leads to much more effectively into the labor market of people leaving prisons, moreover, has a self-financing the implementation of the path within the existing legal system.
The implementation scheme includes: preparing the young prisoner by a team of psychologists and teachers to enter the draft, go hiking in the Polish mountains with a supervisor resocjalizatorem, professional training at the Center for Social Inclusion, free professional practice and working with businesses on the principles of supported employment.

Date: 2012-07-04 | Page views: 9232